To download the Self Help Brochure, Click Here. Spanish, Click Here.
What is Self-Help Housing?
Self-Help Housing is a program for low-income families to achieve the dream of home ownership. Qualified families work together under the supervision of a Construction Supervisor to construct their homes.
What is Involved?
To participate in the Mutual Self-Help program you must be willing to set aside all your spare time for at least one year. Participants are required to contribute a minimum of 30 man hours per week in the evenings and on weekends. Those hours can be contributed by family and friends that are willing to work in the participant’s behalf.
$$ How much will it cost? $$
There are a few upfront costs associated with this program. They include $75.00 to for credit reports and a $100.00 to purchase the necessary hand tools needed to complete the construction project.
Where can we build?
In order to do the program effectively, the building lots must be located fairly close to one another. To provide for an effective program, UBAOG will have building lots available in a suitable location. As each group is formed, the lots will be chosen on a first qualified, first choice basis within Duchesne, Daggett, and Uintah county.
Who can qualify?
Anyone whose annual income is equal to or less than the *income guidelines can qualify as long as they:
Do not currently own a home or have a mortgage payment
Are capable of fulfilling the labor contribution requirements
Qualify for the USDA 502 Direct Loan
Have approved Credit
Have a desire to achieve home ownership
No prior construction knowledge is required to participate in this program.
Ballard Ground Breaking 2022

Vernal Group 2022

House Plans
Mutual Self Help Housing and Self Help Acquisition Rehabilitation application Process
Pre-Application Process-
Print and fill out a Self Help Pre-Application. Read and follow the instructions on the front cover sheet of the pre application.
You can email application and proof of income to a housing member mentioned below , fax 435-722-4890, or mail to 330 East 100 South Roosevelt Utah 84066.
Mail credit report fee to 330 East 100 South Roosevelt Utah 84066 or hand deliver. Make checks payable to UBAOG.
You will receive a phone call and letter in the mail letting you know if you are Pre-Eligible.
Pre-Eligibility Process-
Set up an appointment to fill out the USDA-RD Application. The following documentation will need to be brought in at time of appointment.
Applicant and any household member 18 years of age or older will need to fill out an Authorization form.
A 3550-4 Employment and Asset Certification form will also need fill out and submitted with your application.
Applicants will also need to attend the Homebuyers Education course provided through USU, contact a housing staff member for more information.
Please contact the housing department at 435-722-4518 for assistance.
Or email
Located at
330 East 100 South Roosevelt Utah 84066
National Self Help Housing site:
Family Spotlight- The Andersons
Yong family's solution to housing costs: Do the work yourself

Our Replacement Home Program benefits so many people in our community.
To be eligible for a replacement home, the home and land has to be paid off and owned by the person living in the home. Along with ownership, the home must be irreparable, meaning there is too much damage to the home to invest in repairs.
We have partnered with the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College, Duchesne County Jail, USDA Rural Development and Olene Walker Housing Loan Funds to bring this great program to our community.
Our partnership with UBATC and Duchesne County Jail allows us to have the new home built by State Prisoners at the Duchesne County Jail through the Building Trades program taught by a UBATC instructor. This benefits both the community and the prisoners, replacing irreparable homes with brand new beautiful homes and giving prisoners the skills and confidence to change their lives after release.
Our USDA RD and Olene Walker Housing Loan Funds partnership allows us to give our client the most affordable house payment option.
When the house is almost finished being built at the Duchesne County Jail we will hire a few different licensed contractors to do the preparation work at the homeowner’s property. First the existing home must be demolished, then a foundation is dug and concrete is poured. When the preparation work is complete, the new home will be put onto semi-trailers and brought over to the permanent location. After about 2 weeks of finish work by the prisoners and some contractors the homeowner is now ready to move into their beautiful new home.
The Davis family has finally got to move into their new home through the replacement home program. Bonnie is glowing with excitement and Ray is as grateful as could be!

Housing Rehab Brochure (PDF)
The Uintah Basin Association of Governments housing rehabilitation program uses Community Development Block Grant funds for the rehabbing of roofs, furnaces, water heaters, windows, water pipelines, septic tank or sewer problems, ADA and many other housing needs.
The Housing Rehabilitation Program partners with the Weatherization, Olene Walker Loan Fund, and Housing Preservation Grant programs in assisting with funding and energy needs for the home.
To receive CDBG Housing Rehabilitation assistance, households must have an Annual Household Income (AHI) at or below 80 percent of the area median household income (AMI), adjusted for household size, and determined annually by HUD.
An initial determination of property eligibility is based but not limited to the following criteria:
Location of the property in Daggett, Duchesne, or Uintah County
Property must be an owner occupied single dwelling
The homeowner’s primary residence
Rehabilitation will address problems in single family homes that are a health, safety, or physical hazard to occupants and to make homes accessible to people with disabilities.
Rehabilitation work cannot exceed 50% of the value of the home. (Home needing rehabilitation work over 50% of its value will be referred to the Replacement Home Program.)
Clients may only participate in CDBG Rehabilitation grant funding once in a lifetime. Upon completion and final inspection of work, Owner agrees that all grant funding for rehabilitation is expended. Future assistance may consist of loan funding only (refer to the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund tab)
To download and print an application, Click Here. (pdf)
Mailing address:
Uintah Basin Association of Governments
Housing Department
330 E 100 S
Roosevelt, UT 84066
The Uintah Basin Association of Governments housing rehabilitation program partners with Olene Walker Housing Loan Funds for the rehabbing of roofs, furnaces, water heaters, windows, water pipelines, septic tank or sewer problems, ADA and many other housing needs for people that have used the CDBG funds before or currently using CDBG funds and the project is going to cost more than they qualify for.
To receive OWHLF Housing Rehabilitation assistance, households must have an Annual Household Income (AHI) at or below 80 percent of the area median household income (AMI), adjusted for household size, and determined annually by HUD.
An initial determination of property eligibility is based but not limited to the following criteria:
Location of the property in Daggett, Duchesne, or Uintah County
Property must be an owner occupied single dwelling
The homeowner’s primary residence
Rehabilitation will address problems in single family homes that are a health, safety, or physical hazard to occupants and to make homes accessible to people with disabilities.
Rehabilitation work cannot exceed 50% of the value of the home. (Home needing rehabilitation work over 50% of its value will be referred to the Replacement Home Program.)
Overcrowding (more than two people per room)
Clients may only have one OWHLF Rehabilitation Loan open at a time. Upon completion and final inspection of work, Owner agrees to pay the agreed monthly amount to Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund.
To download and print an application, Click Here. (pdf)
Mailing address:
Uintah Basin Association of Governments
Housing Department
330 E 100 S
Roosevelt, UT 84066
A Homebuyers Pre-Purchase course is required and a certificate of completion must be obtained before Grant or Loan funds can be approved for the following programs:
USDA Rural Development Housing Loans:
Mutual Self Help Housing
Self Help Housing Acquisition Rehabilitation
502 purchase loans
Olene Walker Housing Loan Funds:
Replacement homes
Community Development Block Grant:
Homebuyers Assistance
Homebuyers’ Pre-Purchase course can be taken online at extension.learn.usu.edu. There is a course fee of $60.00.
Contact a Uintah Basin Association of Governments housing staff member before taking this course, to verify the program you are qualified for requires this certificate.
Contact Information:
Please contact the housing department at
435-722-4518 for assistance.
Or email
We are an equal opportunity agency. Any accommodations including Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling 435-722-4518 at least 3 days prior to your appointment. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711, and/or Spanish Relay Utah: 1-888-346-3162 for assistance.
A Homebuyers Pre-Purchase course is required and a certificate of completion must be obtained before Grant or Loan funds can be approved for the following programs:
USDA Rural Development Housing Loans:
Mutual Self Help Housing
Self Help Housing Acquisition Rehabilitation
502 purchase loans
Olene Walker Housing Loan Funds:
Replacement homes
Community Development Block Grant:
Homebuyers Assistance
Homebuyers’ Pre-Purchase course can be taken online at https:\\extension.learn.usu.edu\ there is a course fee of $60.00.
Contact a Uintah Basin Association of Governments housing staff member before taking this course, to verify the program you are qualified for requires this certificate.
Please contact the housing department at
435-722-4518 for assistance.
Or email
We are an equal opportunity agency. Any accommodations including Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling 435-722-4518 at least 3 days prior to your appointment. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711, and/or Spanish Relay Utah: 1-888-346-3162 for assistance.
To download and print an application, Click Here. (pdf)

To download the Self Help Acquisition Rehabilitation Brochure, Click Here. For Spanish, Click Here.
This program is for clients interested in purchasing and rehabilitating a home in Duchesne, Daggett, and Uintah Counties. Potential Homeowners who are income and credit qualified, will work with the Uintah Basin Association of Governments Self Help Housing Department and USDA Rural Development to buy an existing home and rehabilitate it to health and safety measures as funding allows. Potential to earn instant equity using "sweat equity".
Individuals and families who cannot afford to own modest houses by customary methods. They must have good credit and have an ability to repay the loan. The income requirements depend on the size of the household. If qualified, USDA Rural Development provides the loan for the purchase (land, the home, construction materials and subcontracting).
What is involved?
To participate in the Self Help Acquisition Rehabilitation Program or S.H.A.R.P. Participants are required to contribute a minimum of 30 man hours per week. Those hours can be contributed by family and friends that are willing to work in the participant’s behalf. No prior construction knowledge is required to participate in this program.
You don't need a down payment!
You don't have to make monthly house payments while housing rehabilitation is going on. However, at the time of the purchase, you may have to provide a minimal amount of out-of-pocket fund for homeowners insurance.
Please contact the housing department at
435-722-4518 for assistance.
Or email
Mutual Self Help Housing and Self Help Acquisition Rehabilitation application Process
Pre-Application Process-
Print and fill out a Self Help Pre-Application. Read and follow the instructions on the front cover sheet of the pre application.
You can email application and proof of income to a housing member mentioned below , fax 435-722-4890, or mail to 330 East 100 South Roosevelt Utah 84066.
Mail credit report fee to 330 East 100 South Roosevelt Utah 84066 or hand deliver. Make checks payable to UBAOG.
You will receive a phone call and letter in the mail letting you know if you are Pre-Eligible.
Pre-Eligibility Process-
Set up an appointment to fill out the USDA-RD Application. The following documentation will need to be brought in at time of appointment.
Applicant and any household member 18 years of age or older will need to fill out an Authorization form.
A 3550-4 Employment and Asset Certification form will also need fill out and submitted with your application.
Applicants will also need to attend the Homebuyers Education course provided through USU, contact a housing staff member for more information.
Please contact the housing department at
435-722-4518 for assistance.
Or email
Located at
330 East 100 South Roosevelt Utah 84066