(Home Energy Assistance Target)
The HEAT Program is now taking applications throughout the year.
Households can apply for the heating benefit October 1st – September 30th.
The HEAT Program provides utility assistance for families whose income is
at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
If you would like to apply for the HEAT, you can apply online, by mail in, or by an in office appointment.
To be seen in the office please call 435-722-5218 for the Roosevelt area OR 435-781-2021 for the Vernal area.
Mail in applications and the online application link can be found at : https://jobs.utah.gov/housing/scso/seal/heat.html
Vernal HEAT Office
Physical- 374 E Main St STE C
Mailing- PO Box 882
Vernal, UT 84078-2624

We are located on the main floor of the Vernal City Municipal center in the old District Court clerks offices.
Eligibility Requirements for HEAT Assistance:
The total household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.
The household is responsible for paying home energy costs.
The household contains at least one US citizen or qualified non-citizen (see pages 6-7 of the HEAT Policy Manual.)

The following list is what the clients will need to bring when they come for their appointment or submit an application:
Picture Identification if over 18 years old.
Social Security cards/numbers for everyone living in the household at the time of application
A copy of the most recent and active utility bills from each utility supplier (gas/propane/wood/oil/coal/electric)
Proof of ALL income/monies received by all household members in the month prior to the appointment or submission of application.
Proof of medical expenses paid in the month prior to the month of the appointment. We will need the receipts and bills for verification.
Proof of any child support and/or alimony paid out of the home in the month prior to the month of the appointment
Proof of disability if applicable
Proof of citizenship or qualified "Non citizen" please bring documentation. This could include a Passport, US Citizenship & Immigration, Permanent Resident Card(s), Certificate of Naturalization, I-94 Arrival & Departure Documents, USCIS number or Valid approval notice, ect.
If there is missing information after the initial appointment, the client will have 10 days to return the requested verification. The HEAT worker does have 45 days from the date of the appointment to complete the work on the application. The Department of Workforce Services will issue a letter notifying the dollar amount of the HEAT benefit to go to the utility companies. The application may be denied if the client does not return all requested verification or falsified their information.
State HEAT website

Three other discount programs offered in conjunction with HEAT are for Moon Lake Electric, Dominion Energy and Rocky Mountain Power customers.
Moon Lake customers are required to apply at least 25% of their benefit to the electric account to receive the $100 Residential Energy Assistance. The client will need to take the letter from the State of Utah Department of WorkForce Services to their local office.
Dominion customers will automatically receive $107 Energy Assistance payment applied to their account when they become eligible for a HEAT benefit.
Rocky Mountain Power has HELP (Home Energy Lifeline Program) which automatically gives the customer up to $13.95 a month (and annual amount of $167.40) credit for a year when they are eligible for the HEAT Program.