A variety of recreational activities may be enjoyed at the Centers. Coordinating to provide focal points where seniors can socialize, receive nutritious meals, supportive services, recreation and classes on various interests and hobbies.

Congregate Meals
A meal is served Monday- Thursday at 12 PM at the Crossroads and Gateway Senior Centers and on Wednesday at noon at the Manila Senior Center. To support our program, we encourage our 60 and over recipients to make a suggested donation of $3.00 a meal. For those under 60 a cost of $5.00 is attached to each meal. Please make reservations 24 hours in advance for lunch by calling the senior center that you will be attending.
SHIP-State Health Insurance Assistance Program
Counselors provide seniors with free, state counseling services that help seniors understand Medicare, Medicare Advantage Medigap (Medicare supplemental insurance) and Medicaid benefits. Anyone with Medicare related questions is free to call a SHIP’s counselor even if they are not currently enrolled in Medicare.
SMP- Senior Medicare Patrol
Coordinator will assist Medicare beneficiaries, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report healthcare fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. They will also go to senior centers and inform senior citizens about the latest scams and fraud that seniors are falling victim to. They also coordinate a group of volunteers to assist them in sharing this information.
The AARP Fraud Watch Network and Volunteers of America (VOA) created a new, free program to help you. It’s VOA | ReST, which stands for resilience, strength and time. The program is designed to address the emotional impact of your experience. We offer free facilitated peer-discussion groups that seek to provide emotional support for you and others in similar situations. Family members are invited to participate at your discretion or take part in separate sessions for family members only.
The AARP Fraud Watch Network VOA | ReST program features small groups whose members are led in discussion by one or more trained peer facilitators. The aim is to help you re-establish trust, integrate your experience and build back your resilience despite a difficult and painful occurrence.
Online, hour-long sessions are scheduled nearly every day. You can join by a computer, tablet or smartphone. Discussions are confidential. You are welcome to attend one session or several – it’s your choice.
Experiencing a scam can be devastating, but it doesn’t have to define you. Sign up for a session and take an important step toward emotional recovery.
Visit www.aarp.org/fraudsupport to learn more about the free program and register today. Remember, you are not alone.
MIPPA- Medicare Improvements for Patients & Providers Act
Assist low income Medicare beneficiaries apply for programs that make Medicare affordable, such as Medicare prescription plan costs and Medicare B premiums.

New to Medicare? Check out this link (pdf) for more information.
A counselor is available Monday- Thursday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM to assist you with any Medicare or Medicaid Insurance questions that you may have.
Contact UBAOG (435) 722-4518

The case manager assists frail, older individuals to remain in their home and not to be prematurely placed in a nursing home. The case manager completes a comprehensive assessment with the individual to determine eligibility, and together they develop a plan of care to meet the individual's needs. Services include: home health aides, homemakers/personal care, emergency response systems and other services are coordinated to maximize longevity in the individuals own home. For further information, contact Tammy Freston at UBAOG (435) 722-4518
The Caregivers Support Program provides information, assistance, support groups, training for caregivers who are caring for a loved one 60 years or older who are suffering chronic long term illness or conditions where the intensity of such care giving creates stress and other informal relief is not sufficient. For further information, contact Tammy Freston at UBAOG (435) 722-4518

Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services are available for eligible vets. Call Tammy for more information.
Our certified Long Term Care Ombudsman serves as an advocate for Residents Rights for residents in long term care facilities and assisted living facilities. The LTC Ombudsman also investigates complaints from residents, family members, facility staff or anyone concerned about the resident. To contact the local Ombudsman call Tara Nelson or Michelle Summarell at (435) 722-5300

Some of the Benefits of being a Foster Grandparent
What is a Foster Grandparent?
Foster Grandparent Volunteers are seniors 55 & wiser that serve as volunteer mentors and/or tutors for children who need a little extra help or one-on-one help. While volunteering, Foster Grandparents strengthen their community by building bridges which cross generations and providing youth services that may otherwise be unavailable. Foster Grandparent Volunteers must meet income eligibility requirements and are encouraged to serve an average of 15 hours per week. The schedule is very flexible and based on volunteer interest.
Eligibility: Anyone age 55 or over meeting the income qualification is eligible for reimbursement (stipend) through the Foster Grandparent Program. Other qualifications include a genuine love for children, an ability to understand directions, a willingness to accept supervision, a readiness to receive training, and passing a background check.
Stipend: The hourly stipend ($3.15/hr) the Foster Grandparents receive for their volunteer service is not subject to taxation. It cannot be treated as wages or compensation for certain purposes, including retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration has issued an instruction that stipends are excluded as income in determining how much a volunteer will receive in his/her retirement fund check.
The law also provides that payments a volunteer receives are not counted in figuring his or her eligibility for Supplemental Security Income, food stamps, low-income housing or any other federal program that bases eligibility on income.
Transportation: Foster Grandparents will receive mileage reimbursement for travel to and from assignments, program activities, in-service, orientation, and recognition events while funds are available. The rate of reimbursement is $.35 per mile ($87.50 monthly cap due to limited funding).
Vacation: Foster Grandparents earn paid vacation leave time based on the amount of service they provide during the month. Vacation time may be taken only after earned. It may be taken a day at a time, an hour at a time, or several days at a time. Grandparents are encouraged to utilize vacation leave each year. All vacation hours not used during the school year will be paid out at the end of the grant year, pending available funding and earning caps.
Sick Leave: Foster Grandparents earn paid sick leave time based on the amount of service they provide during the month. Sick leave may be used as it is earned for illness, doctor appointments, dentist, optometrist, or for other medical reasons. Sick leave hours not taken during the school year will be paid out at the end of the grant year, pending available funding and earning caps.
Holidays: Foster Grandparents receive a list of yearly government and school holidays and are paid for holidays as long as they are actively involved with the program.
Inclement Weather: If the roads are or appear to be dangerous, or too difficult to drive in, Foster Grandparents are asked to stay home. Do not travel in bad weather.Grandparents will still be paid for the day, but are not required to complete their volunteer duties that day.
Accident Insurance: Foster Grandparents are covered by accident, personal liability, and excess auto liability insurance. Foster Grandparents must report accidents occurring during service hours to the Volunteer Station and the FGP staff within seventy-two (72) hours of the accident. Claim forms can be obtained from the FGP staff office. Foster Grandparents are covered by accident insurance while traveling to and from work and while on the job.
Physical Examinations: Foster Grandparents receive the benefit of a free medical examination and a yearly check-up. The FGP staff will arrange physicals.
Call the Uintah Basin Association of Governments and ask about the
Foster Grandparent Program.
(435) 722-4518
or visit us at
330 East 100 South * Roosevelt, UT 84066

If you would like to apply for the Foster Grandparent Program, you may print the application by clicking the link below.
RSVP is one of the largest retired and senior
volunteer programs in the nation. We offer a
variety of opportunities for our volunteers at
hospitals, senior centers, and schools, among
others. We desire to match your talents to the
areas that interest you, for example, do you
think it’s a good idea to grow vegetables for
those in need? Then join our seasonal project
called Grow-A-Row. Do you feel that children
need extra support in the classroom? Then join
our tutors who provide needed care and support in the classrooms. Are you concerned for the
elderly who are home bound and may need a friendly call to check on their well being? Then join
our reassurance callers. Other volunteer positions include:
1. Food Pantry
2. Humanitarian
3. Emergency Management
4. Entertainer
5. Medical Appointment Driver
6. Light Meal Preparer
7. Other-- as needed in your community
RSVP members choose how often and where they serve. Some volunteers commit to as few as
10 hours a month whereas others commit to 40 hours per week. You decide. We recognize your
commitment through your submission of monthly time sheets.
Reporting your hours is an important grant requirement and helps us see how you are impacting
your community. Also, time sheets help us keep in touch with you and the volunteer station.
Keep in mind, if your service is inactive for over 120 days you will need to complete the entire
application packet again. Stay active and engage your community for the better every month.
Some important questions to ask yourself in preparation to be a part of RSVP include:
1. What life experiences would you like to share?
2. Where in your community would you like to serve and gain new skills?
3. What did you enjoy most in your former occupations?
4. What days and hours work best for you?
5. Are you able to seek advice or supervision and not respond impulsively?
6. Can you set personal boundaries and abide by the rules of the program?
7. Do you accept differences of race and culture?
Come to the Uintah Basin Association of Governments building and ask for RSVP to find out
more on how you can make a difference in your community. Or complete and return the
application packet to start the process to become a RSVP member today!

Home delivered meals are available Monday- Thursday. To qualify for Home Delivered Meals, the client must be 60 or over and homebound. Eligibility for meals will be determined by the Case Manager when making a home visit. There is a suggested donation for $3.00 per meal. For more information, contact Michelle Summarell @ (435) 722-4518

Transportation services are provided for senior citizens 60 and over of Duchesne County. There are several fixed routes throughout Duchesne County Monday- Friday for those wishing to attend the Congregate Meals Program at the Duchesne County Senior Centers. Call Michelle Summarell at (435) 722-4518 for further information.
Rider's Guide
There is a $2.00 suggested donation to ride the bus.
Crossroads Lunch and Bingo
The bus will go to Duchesne every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month to bring seniors to Crossroads
Crossroads Lunch
The bus will go to Tabiona every other week to bring seniors to Crossroads
Busses will only run for special activities
Gateway Lunch and Bingo
Busses run from Roosevelt and Fruitland